Iran started heavily investing in its cyber operations program following the Stuxnet attack (malware that sabotaged the machinery running nuclear enrichment centrifuges) in 2010. Since then, Iran has become a very sophisticated cyber threat able to target critical national infrastructure, financial institutions, education establishments, manufacturers and more.
White House Cyber Summit
On Wednesday August 25, President Joe Biden gathered with industry leaders to issue a call to action on cybersecurity and make concrete announcements to bolster the nation’s cyber infrastructure. The high-profile meeting brought together CEOs from the education, energy, finance, insurance and tech sectors, featuring companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America.
T-Mobile Breach: Who’s behind it and what YOU can do to protect yourself
China’s Hacking Spree and the International Response
A string of Russian ransomware attacks have made headlines in the United States in the recent months, but China has arguably had a more malicious global cyber presence in the last year than their neighbors to the north. While Russian cyber attacks have targeted infrastructure and extorted companies for money, China has led a cyberespionage campaign harvesting trade secrets, intellectual property, and confidential government information.
Digital Footprints in Afghanistan
People in Afghanistan are seeking to delete their online history in fear of Taliban retribution, ranging from journalists to those who worked with western troops and NGOs over the past two decades. The U.S. has its own footprint to worry about too; left behind digital hardware could expose sensitive information and be sold to the U.S.’s enemies.
Emerging Concept: Secure Access Server Edge
Secure access service edge, or SASE (pronounced “sassy”), is an emerging cybersecurity concept that Gartner first described in the August 2019 report The Future of Network Security in the Cloud. SASE is a security framework prescribing the conversions of security and network connectivity technologies into a single cloud-delivered platform to enable secure and fast cloud transformation.