Following a brief 2 month quiet period, Russian-based ransomware threats have ramped up again at the end of September 2021. REvil is back online, DarkSide may have been reborn as DarkMatter, and Conti Ransomware attacks are surging.
Understanding Cyber Insurance
Cyber insurance is becoming increasingly important as companies rely more on digital systems and as cyberattacks, ransomware attacks, and data breaches become more prevalent. Many companies manage sensitive data, including credit card information, customer names and addresses, Social Security numbers, or other confidential information. If your company is affected by a cyberattack, you could find yourself dealing with costly lawsuits, data restoration expenses, and regulatory fines.
Hacker Profile: Russia
The Russian Federation’s willingness to engage in offensive cyber operations has caused enormous harm, including massive financial losses, interruptions to the operation of critical infrastructure, and disruptions of crucial software supply chains. In this blog we discuss the Russian hacker ecosystem that has fueled this infamous global presence.
Yandex Survives Record DDoS Attack From New Meris Botnet
A cyber attack on Russian tech giant Yandex's servers in August and September was the largest known distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in the history of the internet. "Our experts did manage to repel a record attack of nearly 22 million requests per second (RPS). This is the biggest known attack in the history of the internet," Yandex said in its statement.
Hacker Profiles: United States
The United States remains by far the world’s most cyber-capable nation with no major competitors for the title. The International Institute for Strategic Studies, a British think tank, released a 182-page report that reviews the cyber capabilities of 15 of the world’s biggest players in hacking and digital defense and put the USA in its own category.